RIFLE | Trinidad Rifle Asociation

 AFFILIATE Trinidad Rifle Asociation
 PRESIDENT Wayne Mystar
 SECRETARY Andrea Lee Kim
 CONTACT (868)628-1321
 MAILING ADDRESS P.O Box 451 Port of Spain
 EMAIL traoffice.trinidad@gmail.com
 WEBSITE http://www.trinidadrifleassociation.org 

Rifle ShootingIn 1896, the shooting sport began part of the modern Olympic Family since its first steps. In the first Olympic Games, held in Athens in 1896, 39 shooters from seven nations competed in three pistol and two highpower rifle events. Shooting also was included in the program of the second Olympic Games where 139 shooters from 13 nations competed in three pistol, five rifle, two clay target and one running target events.

The International Shooting Sports Federation (ISSF) is the international governing body. Though the Olympic games is the largest shooting competition, the ISSF also regulates the World Shooting Championships, the Commonwealth Games shooting events and other smaller events worldwide.

The Trinidad Rifle Association (TRA) is the governing body in this country.